There are many ocean beach spots up and down the island for surf fishing. Below are some good inlet and bayside fishing and crabbing locations.
Barnegat Light and Inlet Area
Located at the northern end of Long Beach Island, Barnegat Light Inlet area offers a variety of fishing opportunities. The bayside, the inlet and ocean beach are all good areas. Barnegat Light State Park has restrooms and parking. Bring extra tackle and sinkers when fishing around the inlet!
Barnegat Light's Inlet Jetty
Barnegat Inlet's South Jetty can be a good area to fish most of the year for many species. The most popular species are striped bass, bluefish, blackfish (tautog), sea bass, fluke, triggerfish, weakfish, sheepshead and other species. Anglers can fish near the lighthouse along the concrete walk or head out on the jetty. Depending on the day and conditions fishing can be good anywhere along the Jetty. Caution when fishing the jetty! Be safe, wear appropriate cleated foot gear. The jetty is not safe for children and adults should exercise caution as well.
Barnegat Light Bayside Walkway, West 5th Street
Near the lighthouse – at the end of West 5th Street off Broadway is a walkway along the inner inlet with benches and can be a good fishing spot for Tautog and other species in season. It is a good location for kids to fish as there is a nice bulkhead, good walking and benches and no casting is required.
Barnegat Light's Ocean Beaches
Barnegat Light's Ocean Beaches are good for striped bass in season.
The Dike - High Bar Harbor Island
The Dike at High Bar Harbor, in Barnegat Light is a spit of land that extends into the bay offering a variety of fishing options. Barnegat Bay's main thoroughfares - Double Creek Channel and Oyster Creek Channel merge here. It can be a good spot for striped bass, fluke, bluefish, and weakfish. The Dike's proximity to the inlet makes it a good spot to fish because all fish that move in or out of the bay through the inlet must swim past this spot. Fishing can be good on both sides. Directions to the Dike at High Bar Harbor Island: In Barnegat Light, turn left on 20th Street and continue straight through the next intersection. Then as the road bends to the left, take the first right, then another quick right onto Sunset Blvd. Park at the end of the road and walk the trail. It is a bit of a hike and may not be the best choice for kids.
Harvey Cedars Bayside Pier at Sunset Park
Harvey Cedars Sunset Park on West Salem Ave. has a pier for crabbing and fishing, located near the Harvey Cedars water tower. There are restrooms and a park with swings. This is a good family fishing and crabbing location.
Surf City Bayside
Surf City has numerous streets that have bulkheads on the bay. Two of the best: the 24th Street end and the south end of Shore Ave at the west end of North 1st Street. Other streets with access to the bay include 21st, 18th, 13th, 11thand 7th streets. Parking is an issue, so plan accordingly. Snapper bluefish, Blowfish, and Crabs are caught here. The Surf City Boat Ramp has an open area with a playground for the kids. Beware of traffic – many boats are being lunched and hauled here daily.
Ship Bottom Bayside
Ship Bottom's Causeway Rt. 72 Bridge has good fishing and crabbing. Ship Bottom also has a public bulkhead between 3rd and 4th Streets which can be a good spot.
Robert Nissen Park (Ship Bottom Boat Public Ramp)
Robert Nissen Park (Ship Bottom Boat Ramp) is located on the bayside in Ship Bottom (10th - 12th Street) on the south side of the Causeway entering Long Beach Island. There is a large gravel lot for parking. The crabbing/fishing pier is located right next to the boat ramp. Depending on the season a variety of species are present: snapper bluefish, weakfish, fluke, blowfish, kingfish and spot. It is also a spot to night fish for sharks and rays (sand bar sharks aka brown sharks, dogfish aka sand sharks). In the fall and spring striped bass, bluefish and drum can be caught.
Beach Arlington Park (aka Sunset Park, Ship Bottom Bay Beach)
Beach Arlington Park (aka Sunset Park, Ship Bottom Bay Beach) is located between 13th-16th on the bay in Ship Bottom. It is a summer time bathing area that is popular with families with kids. Off season it can be a good spot to fish the bay. It is best fished by wading out to the channel because it is shallow close to shore. Depending on the time of year, striped bass, bluefish, weakfish, fluke, blowfish, and sometimes drum can be found in this channel.
Ship Bottom Crab Cove Pier
Ship Bottom Crab Cove Pier is located on the bayside on Central Ave between 25th and 26th Street in Ship Bottom. It is a great place to crab in the summer time. It can also be a good spot to catch snapper bluefish. Get there early because it can be crazy mid-day and especially on the weekends. It is a good family spot with benches, a small pier and gazebo with lots of public parking.
Some of the handicapped entrances to the ocean beaches, on the northern end of the island are located as follows:
Surf City- N 5th Street
Ship Bottom -15th, 14th & 9th Streets
Harvey Cedars - Mercer Ave, and E. 80th Street
Loveladies - north and south tennis courts.